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Sunday, 21 July 2013

5 Simple Ways to Purpose

Propose Where You First Met
Nothing like recreating that moment you first met to once again steal her heart away and prove that you remember the little details about your relationship. Maybe the place you first met wasn’t the coolest of places, but showing her you remember where it all started will have her head-over-heels.

Propose At Her Favorite Place
Whether it’s a restaurant or a destination, proposing at her favorite place will give her a new favorite memory to associate the place with and to have in general. Also note that if you let the restaurant on that you’re proposing at their establishment, they’ll usually give you a little special treatment, whether it be a top-notch table or a complimentary dessert or wine.

Propose When She’ll Least Expect It
The element of surprise will have her knocked off her feet. Many women, once the topic of marriage has been approached, will start suspecting any romantic evening to end with a diamond ring, but by doing it when she isn’t expecting it makes it all the more a genuine response and the more exciting.

Propose While On Vacation
A little R&R… Relaxation and a ring sound much better than rest and relaxation. Your vacation will be nothing but bliss when your fiancĂ© gets that ring and can’t stop smiling, which will make you unable to stop smiling. You get a vacation and a fiancĂ©, how is that not a good time?

Propose With A Hobby
Maybe your lady is into art, or baking, or playing games. Find a way to incorporate a marriage proposal into one of her favorite things. Maybe you draw a picture of a chapel you want to get married at, or you frost a cake to say ‘will you marry me?’ or you play the game Scrabble and spell out ‘marry me.’ Combining one of her hobbies with the proposal will show her what a crafty, amazing guy you are.
Have you figured out how you’re going to propose? We also have some tips for helping you choose the perfect wedding ring.

10 effective ways to maintain good health

1. Proper Diet
Proper care of the body begins with a good diet. Well balanced diet containing requisite amounts all the essential nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals), roughage and water is essential for maintaining good health. A good diet is not so much a question of money as of knowledge how to choose and prepare foods properly. Through proper knowledge, we can plan a balanced diet, which is within the reach of most of the people.
We can also protect our health and avoiding certain substances in the diet. For example, avoiding sugar helps prevent cavities in our teeth. In order to control the cholesterol (which causes heart diseases) in the blood, the fat content on the diets of the older people should be limited.
2. Personal and Domestic Hygiene
Personal hygiene concerns itself with the adjustments which the individual must make of preserve and improve his health. We must keep our body clean and wear clean clothes. We should take bath and change clothes regularly. If we do not take bath or change clothes regularly, our body and clothes, begin to smell. This is due to growth of microorganisms. Microorganisms affect our health adversely. Special attention should also be paid to nails, hair, teeth, hands and feet. It is very important to wash hands thoroughly with soap after going to latrine or toilet. Hands should also be always washed before handling food.
IN domestic hygiene, house should be kept clean and free from files and insects. Micro-organisms can infect and spoil our food. Therefore food should be kept protected from files and insects. Utensils should be thoroughly cleaned, preferably with some detergent powder or ash.
3. Clean Food
Food consumed should be free from micro-organisms and harmful chemicals such as pesticides. The presence of certain types of micro-organisms I food can take it harmful and in some cases even deadly. Fruits and vegetables generally have micro-organisms and pesticides sticking of their skin. Therefore, it is very important to wash them with clean water before consuming. Food items should also be protected from files as they are carrier of many disease causing bacteria. Most of the bacteria which are responsible for food-borne illness cause their damage in the gastro intestinal tract.
4. Clean Water and Air
In order to keep good health drinking water must be clean and free from bacteria. In the cities, water supplied by public health department through pipes is generally suitable for drinking as it is filtered and treated with disinfectants before supplying. However, in rural areas due to poor sanitary conditions water available is unsafe for drinking purposes and causes a number of water borne diseases. In order to avoid the water-bourne disease, it is advisable to boil and filter water before drinking. In ponds, water is generally infected with bacteria. Washing clothes and utensils or taking bath in such ponds can cause many diseases. Hence, these activities should be avoided.
Pure air is also very important for maintaining for good health. The places of work and living should be well ventilated. Gases released by industries, motor vehicles and through burning of fossil fuels at various places pollute the sir. Breathing polluted air causes chronic respiratory disease. In rural areas, traditional chulhas produce a lot of smoke which adversely affects the health of the ladies. Therefore, smokeless chulhas should be preferably used.
5. Exercise
Regular exercise is also very important to maintain good health. It is especially important for sedentary workers. Exercise keeps the muscles in good tone, makes bone stronger and helps the lungs, heart and blood vessels work well.
6. Sleep and Relaxation
During each 24 hour period our body needs a number of hours of r=total rest. During the rest period the cells of the body recover from the work of the day the build up supplies of energy for the next period of activity. Thus, regular sleep and relaxation are very important conditions to maintain good health.
7. Avoiding Hazardous Substances
Avoiding certain hazardous substances such as tobacco, alcohol and narcotic drugs help in maintaining good health. These substances affect the body as well as mind of the individual. Cigarette smoking causes cause of lung cancer. Tobacco use also causes cancer of the mouth, larynx and oesophagus. Smoking causes chronic lung diseases leading to shortness of breath. Alcohol affects the brain, the heart and the digestive system especially the liver. The illicit use of narcotics can damage physical as well as mental health of the person.
8. Prevention of Accidents
We should take all possible precautions to prevent accidents. For examples, floors should not be slippery, stairs should be safe, electrical appliances should be used properly, poisonous chemicals such as insecticides should be stored out of reach of children, vehicles should be driven carefully.
9. Preventing Diseases
All precautions should be taken to protect our body from various diseases. Children should be immunized against common diseases through vaccination.
10. Proper Education
Good health can be achieved through our effort and proper health education. We can maintain a good health only if we are aware of various factors which affect our health.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

The Best Ways To Say I Love You

Have you ever felt at a loss for words or ways to describe your feelings for your partner? At some point in any relationship the need for a sentimental or unique way to say I love you comes up.
Actions Speak Louder Than Words

  1. Place notes in your lover's lunch telling him how much you love him.

  2. Page you sweetheart with an I Love You page.

  3. Give her a soft kiss.

  4. Make everyday things special.

  5. Give your love a little note or sending him an e-mail with a poem in it.

  6. Listen to her every word.

  7. Making a list of everything you love about them. No matter how stupid.

  8. Spend quality time with the one you love.

  9. Have flowers delivered with a note attached saying simply, "I love you."

  10. Give unexpected hugs and kisses in unexpected places.

  11. Cook them their favorite meal.

  12. Hold each other when you fall asleep.

  13. Just be together.

  14. Give your love a long hard kiss on the lips, followed by a gift.

  15. Sending romantic postcards on a daily basis.

  16. Get off work early and surprise your sweetheart with a dozen roses and dinner, just because.

  17. Spend all week thinking of something special for the weekend and then... do it!

  18. Give him a loving smile from across the room.

  19. Draw or obtain a new romantic picture of two lovers in each others grasp and give it to your love as a reminder of your passion.

  20. If you live quite a distance from your love, surprise them with a visit.

  21. When she is asleep in the morning, cover her with rose petals and wake her up to an I love you breakfast in bed.

  22. Secretly write S-H-M-I-L-Y anywhere your lover will find it. SHMILY= See How Much I Love You.

  23. Rub your nose on your sweetheart's nose!

  24. Grab him by the waist, pulling him towards you, then softly touching his lips with yours.

  25. Have a romantic weekend.

  26. For a week, smothering your spouse with all the small intimate things they like.

  27. Share a bottle of wine (non-alcoholic of course) and a rose....

  28. Do a simple act of kindness, such as a backrub when he feels sick, to brighten his day.

  29. Make a big sign (like the ones you use for demonstrations) quoting "Did my heart love 'til now? Forswear it sight, for I never saw true beauty 'til this night."

  30. Make a web page for your girlfriend to tell her how much you love her.

  31. Write long, erotic letters where you describe how much you love them.

Just Say It...
  1. Whisper I love you in his ear while dancing a romantic slow melody.

  2. Sitting outside under that stars and say, "I have never felt so special before... I owe this to you. I love you."

  3. Creep up on your lover and whisper I love you in their ear.

  4. In the middle of your partner's conversation with someone else, lean over and whisper I love you in their ear.

  5. Scream I love you (name here) on a rollercoaster ride.

  6. When you know it will be your partner on the phone say I love you right when you answer it.

  7. Look into her eyes, hold her hands and then silently whisper I love you.

  8. When you are doing an everyday thing, just look at him, and lean over, give him a little peck and say I love you.

Friday, 19 July 2013

5 Simple ways to speed up your computer

In today’s world of technology, computers are all around us, however, not all of them operate smoothly as they should due to simple but stubborn issues here and there due to either poor maintenance practices or mere negligence. To ensure that your computer runs efficiently at it’s normal speed, try effecting the following 5 simple steps to speed up your computer:

Stay Up To Date with All Windows Updates

Being the owner of Windows, Microsoft releases Windows updates annually to ensure your computer’s efficiency as well as keeping it updated as they understand their operating system best. Therefore, get your computer running smoothly and enjoy all the benefits associated with Windows updates by downloading them for free from Microsoft.

Too Many Applications Running 

Your computer’s speed is severely reduced when you have too many applications running simultaneously. Therefore limiting the number of applications running at the same time will improve the speed at which your computer operates. Apart from that, it is prudent for you to uninstall programs you do not need so that you increase the memory size of your computer and hence increase efficiency.

Scan for Viruses/Trojans

To maintain your computer’s high speed, it is important for you to scan your computer regularly for viruses. To improve your computer’s safety from viruses, download a recommended antivirus that will ensure that your computer does not compromise it’s efficiency by having viruses running throughout whenever your computer is in use. An antivirus keeps away viruses from invading your computer and thus maintains the optimum speed of your computer.

Clean up Your Start up Programs

The best way to improve your boot time is by getting rid of most of the unnecessary start up programs. Your boot time gets slower when you have so many startup programs booting too whenever your computer is booting. You can get rid of unwanted startup programs by un-checking them under the startup tab after going to MSCONFIG configuration. This will not only improve your boot time but your loading time as well.

Clean up Your Registry

It is very important to clean your registry on a regular basis because most of your vital settings as well as programs are stored in your registry. To avoid windows errors, it is important to remove all the residues that are left in your registry after uninstalling certain programs that constantly affect the smooth running of your system. This is the most effective way of getting rid of windows errors from your system and maintaining it’s efficiency.
These 5 simple steps make it easier for you to speed up your computer. Your computer can be affected by the smallest of things that are even hard to notice, however, their impact on your computer can be detrimental.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

how to achieve your goal

1. Find a Real Challenge
Make your goal compelling and achievable--yet challenging. Brilliant minds need a challenge; otherwise boredom will set in and your plan will fall to the wayside. State your goal in writing.
2. Stick to Positive Emotional Connectors
Make a list of the positive things that will result from achieving this goal. Stay away from subtly negative statements like "I will worry less." Dig for things that excite you. Your outcome must be something that you look forward to with great anticipation and enthusiasm.
3. Create a Visual Representation
Find compelling images that represent your outcome. If an increase in revenue means that you can take a family vacation, find images that represent your ideal vacation. If it means that you will have the budget to work with a distributor who has connections to your ideal clients, find images of your prospect's logos or storefront.  Cut your images out and glue them onto a poster or piece of paper. Congratulations! You have just created a vision board!
4. Share
Bring others into your vision by sharing your vision with employees and others who are critical to achieving company goals. Help them to connect to it as well.  Ask them what these goals mean to them and what exciting outcome they can attach to the vision. Share this exercise with them and encourage them to create a vision board too!
5. Have Patience
Now it's time to allow the process to do its magic. Make time to contemplate your vision board and feel the rewards associated with achievement. Do this daily. The more passionate you feel about your outcome the more driven you will become.
Make sure to recognize every small step that takes you closer to your desired outcome. Entrepreneurs often dismiss these achievements. Celebrate them! Recall the passion that brought you to this business--and reconnect with it often.

Best Ways to Study

1. Testing yourself repeatedly before an exam teaches the brain to retrieve and apply knowledge from memory. The method is more effective than re-reading a textbook.
2. Review the toughest material right before going to bed the night before the test. That approach makes it easier to recall the material later.
3. Don’t wake up earlier than usual to study; this could interfere with the rapid-eye-movement sleep that aids memory. (All-nighters impair memory and reasoning for up to 4 days).
4. Eat breakfast the day of a big test. High-carb, high-fiber, slow-digesting foods like oatmeal are best.
5. What you eat a week in advance matters, too. Students who ate a regular balanced diet that included fruit and vegetable did better than those who ate a high-fat, low-carb diet that was heavy on meat, eggs, cheese, and cream. The brain requires a constant supply of energy and “has only a limited backup battery.”
6. While many teens insist they study better while listening to music or texting their friends, research shows the opposite: Information reviewed amid distractions is less likely to be recalled later.
7. Reducing “novelty and stress on the day of the exam” can prevent choking under pressure. If you are taking the exam in an unfamiliar place, visit the room in advance.
8. If you’re still feeling anxious about an exam, set aside 10 minutes beforehand to write down your worries. Expressing one’s worries in writing, unburdens the brain.
Here’s 9 & 10 from me.
9. Short and frequent is better than long and rare. It is better to study your four or five subjects every day for shorter times than to study one subject each day for the full day. By the time you go back to what you studied four or five days previously, most of what you learned will have gone.
10. Repeat, repeat, repeat. I know it’s really boring but it’s also really effective. When I ask struggling Hebrew students about their study habits, they will usually say, “Well, I study 2-3 hours every day. The first thing I tell them to do is to shorten their study time. Once they’ve started breathing again, I explain the strategy using the following diagram:

(I can’t remember where I picked this up, but it works for all subjects, and especially for language study).
8am: Study the subject first thing in the morning for 45-60 minutes maximum. As soon as you end that period, your mind immediately starts losing data at a frighteningly rapid rate. Imagine where this graph ends up by the end of the day (feel familiar?)
11am: Re-study the same material again, although this time it should only take you 20-30 minutes. Notice that the knowledge level is higher than the the first period (and reached faster), and that the data loss rate has a shallower gradient (it takes longer to forget what you’ve learned).
4pm: Re-study same material again, this time for 10-15 minutes. Knowledge peak is even higher and gradient of loss even shallower. (In between these study times, you can be studying other subjects using the same method.)
9pm: Just before bed, review the material one more time for about 5-10 mins. Note peak and gradient (appealing, isn’t it!).  Compare where you are now with where you would be if you only studied the subject for one long period. Where would that red line be? Preachers, imagine what this could do for your eye-contact!
And if you want to seal it for good, do a quick 5-minute review first thing the next morning before studying new material. That will really set the mental concrete.

One Way of Love

Robert Browning (1812–89)

ALL June I bound the rose in sheaves.
Now, rose by rose, I strip the leaves
And strow them where Pauline may pass.
She will not turn aside? Alas!
Let them lie. Suppose they die?
The chance was they might take her eye.

How many a month I strove to suit
These stubborn fingers to the lute!
To-day I venture all I know.
She will not hear my music? So!
Break the string; fold music’s wing:
Suppose Pauline had bade me sing!

My whole life long I learn’d to love.
This hour my utmost art I prove
And speak my passion—heaven or hell?
She will not give me heaven? ’T is well!
Lose who may—I still can say,
Those who win heaven, bless’d are they!

10 Ways of Developing Love for Allah (SWT)

Adapted from Shaykh Ibn Qayyim�s (rah) Madarij-us-Saalikeen
Shaykh Ibn al-Qayyim (rah) says: �The reason which cause mahabbah (love) of Allaah to develop, are ten:
First: Reciting the Qur�aan, reflecting and understanding its meaning and its intent.
Second: Drawing closer to Allaah � the Most High � through optional deeds, after fulfilling the obligatory duties.
Third: Being continuous in the dhikr (remembrance) of Allaah, with the tongue, the heart and the limbs � under all circumstances. The more continuant the dhikr, the more muhabbah develops and intensifies.
Fourth: Giving precedence to what Allaah loves over personal loves, when being overcome by desires.
Fifth: Contemplating and deliberating over the Names and Attributes of Allaah.
Sixth: Recognizing and remembering the favors and bounties of Allaah � both manifest and hidden.
Seventh: To be humble and submissive before Allaah � and this is the greatest matter.
Eighth: To be in seclusion reciting the Qur�aan, during that time in which Allaah descends to the lowest heaven (which is the last third of every night), finishing this recitation with seeking Allaah�s forgiveness and repenting to Him.
Ninth: To sit in the gatherings of the true and sincere lovers of Allaah, reaping the fruits of their speech, and not to speak except if there is benefit in it and that you know that such talk will increase you in goodness and that it will benefit others as well.
Tenth: To stay clear of all those causes which distances the heart from Allaah � the Mighty and Majestic.
So these are the ten reasons which cause the person to develop true love for Allaah and to reach the rank of al-muhabbah, by which he reaches his Beloved.