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Monday, 30 September 2013

Simple Ways to Learn SEO (Part_2)

11. Do a research about your product offerings.
Before you launch certain promotional offers, you should do a thorough research about it first. By doing that, you would be able to ensure that such a step is something that you really need to do. Aside from that, your research can also help you in how to properly go about it.

12. Pinpoint your top competitors.
Knowing your competitors is one of the best things to do in order to get ahead of them, or at least be at par with their performance. To attain that, you need to do your research about them first. Identify them, and try to check the strategies that they are making use of. See if such techniques can also be applied on your web page, so that you can take advantage of them if possible.

13. Determine your best keywords.
Do your research in order to determine the keywords you are using that pull the most traffic. This will give you more edge over your competitors in terms of attracting more potential customers to your website. Once you identify the best keywords, optimize your site with it, as well as your articles, so that you can maximize the benefits you can derive from it.

14. Determine if your website is crawl-able by various search engines.
In order for people to find your site when they search for information related to it, your web portal should be crawl-able by search engines. To achieve this, you need to research about how to get it done. Aside from that, make sure that certain files you have on it does not block your site from being indexed.

15. Make the most out of your tags.
To ensure that your web portal would benefit from your tags or title tags, you should use target keywords in it. Aside from that, you can also mention the area you provide services to in your title tag, if you cover a specific area. Moreover, you should also make use of the most valuable keywords at the beginning of your title tag.

16. Establishing titles for your site’s pages.
First and foremost, you should make sure that each page on your website is provided with a title. On top of that, the titles should be short and catchy, so that they are more captivating. In addition, you should make sure that the titles on each of your site’s pages are unique.

17. Distribute your articles to various article directories.
Each time you write an informative article related to your site’s topic, you should distribute it to a number of article directories. When you do that, you are making sure that more people would be visiting your site. Article directories are frequented by several people all around the globe these days, since they know that it is where they can acquire lots of information about different topics.

18. Use synonyms.
When writing articles either for your website or for article directory distribution, you should make use of synonyms for it, especially when it comes to the keywords or keyword phrases. When you use synonyms, it would make the flow of the article more natural. On top of that, it also makes the articles more interesting and pleasant to read for your potential customers.

19. Don’t forget the links.
When you submit your articles to various article directories, do not forget to include back links on it. These links should take the readers of your articles to your site, when they choose to click it. In most cases, the links are included at the bottom part of your articles, so that people would see them just prior to finishing reading the write-ups.

20. Make your articles unique and captivating.

In writing articles for your website and submitting them to article directories, you should make sure that they contain unique content. When an article is unique, there is a better chance for a person to read it completely. Aside from that, since it provides him with valuable information, then he would be captivated by it, and would want more.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Simple Ways to Learn SEO (Part-1)

1.    Recognize the importance of web traffic.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is one of the techniques to use in order to achieve more volume of traffic to your site. Without a good number of people visiting your web page, you won’t be able to expose your site to potential customers. Thus, you need to recognize the importance of internet traffic, so that you would be able to take necessary steps in SEO and attain it.

2.    Choose your domain name carefully.

It is very important that the domain name of your site, is related to its topic. In fact, it is best if the title of the site is the same as its domain name, so that people can easily recall it and visit it again and again. With that, you should spend some time in coming up with the possible domain names, and search for them.

3. Establish the main keyword of your site.

One of the very first things that you need to do in order to gain success in online marketing is to establish the main keyword of your site. When you are able to do that, you can make use of it and optimize your web page with it. If possible, you can also make use of it for your domain name.

3.    Use a keyword tool.

Using a tool in order to determine the keywords of your site would go a long way, as far as using SEO as one of the techniques to gain more website traffic is concerned. There are lots of keywords tools that you can take advantage of today. Whatever type of tool you want to make use of, make sure that it is effective, so that you won’t be wasting your time on it.

5, Domain names with hyphens.

In establishing domain names, you may come across articles, which may suggest not making use of hyphens on them. You should become aware though that using hyphens on your domain name is not a bad practice. However, you should know that most people these days, are not used to typing domain names on their browsers that come with hyphens.

6. Take advantage of domain name suggestion tools.

There are lots of domain name suggestion tools available on the internet these days. All you got to do to find them is to make use of your search engine. To make use of such an online tool, all one has to do is to enter the keywords that are related to your site’s topic. By using this tool, you would be able to have a good number of domain names to choose from.

7. Your website’s content.
To have more people visiting your site on a regular basis, then you need to establish a very high quality content for it. If you can make it exclusive, then that would be better. Therefore, you need to start writing articles for your site today. Write the articles with the use of valuable information, so that people would be able to appreciate it.

8. Come up with a memorable domain name.

When it comes to choosing your site’s domain name, you need to make it as memorable as you can. To make that a possibility, then you have to have a domain name that is catchy and short. When it is able to catch the attention of people, and it is short, then they would not encounter difficulties in trying to remember it.

9. Add more content to your site.

You have to keep in mind that in order to have people purchase or sign up with your products and services, you have to convince them first. You would know if a person is almost convinced if he is constantly revisiting your site from time to time. To have a person revisit your site, you need to give him reasons to; and, one of which is by providing the site with new and updated content.

10. Don’t forget the keywords in your image file.

When you upload images on your website, which are related to your products and services, do not forget to establish keywords for it as well. Some people are easily attracted with certain images. Therefore, if you optimize your images with important keywords, then more people would be able to find your portal.

Friday, 20 September 2013

11 Ways to Improve Data Collection

1.    Get early buy-in from stakeholders.
Get buy-in from partner agencies or sites (and other important stakeholder) during performance measurement plan development.  Check to ensure that what you want is something that they either already collect or are willing to collect and share with your project.

2.    Start with success.
Begin your data collection efforts with those sites that can and will provide you the data you need in a timely manner.

3.    Identify your helpers (data collectors).
Consider using your members or volunteers to help collect data for you. 
With a little training on how to use the instruments, they can often be a great source of information.  They are there and see it all!

4.    Train your helpers (data collectors). 
This does not need to be complicated but should happen.  Do data collectors know what to say?  Where to turn in the information? How to respond to questions?  How to protect confidentiality?

5.    Identify appropriate methods.
Part of the problem with collecting data may be the method.  Consider what method you are using to collect your data.  Many sites and programs use surveys to collect data but this is not always the best way considering the populations served. Maybe an observation, a focus group with cookies or lunch, or short in person interviews would be more effective.  

6.    Identify appropriate data source.
One challenge is getting the information from the person or organization (data source) identified in your performance measurement plan.  You may have an excellent survey for your clients but it is not feasible to get the survey to them, much less get it back.  In some cases, it may be more appropriate to identify another data source for ease of collection (e.g. supervisors, teachers) or to increase the strength of the data (e.g. teacher perception of student progress instead of student self-report).

7.    Provide confidentiality.
Obtaining data from respondents can often be difficult if they are concerned that their information will be shared with others, or that they will be identified in the report. Always inform respondents of the confidentiality guidelines (e.g. the survey is not anonymous but will not be shared with others), and abide by those guidelines.

8.    Encourage respondents to give you the information you need.
Keep instruments short, provide directions, inform folks about how you will use the information, offer incentives (food!), and use a captive audience.  These are all ways to make sure respondents complete the instruments.

9.    Use low burden methods and processes.
Integrate data collection with on-going processes.  Do members/volunteers develop goal setting plans with teen mothers?  Reviewing those plans at the end may provide data on the changes that teens were able to make as a result of the intervention. Do your schools already do an intake and exit form for tutored youth?  Discussing the addition of a question or two may allow you to get some outcome data in a relatively easy way.  Many agency partners already do intakes or exit forms. Build on those!

10.  Set a schedule
Timing is a critical element of data collection.  Be sensitive to the schedule of data collection at the sites. Coordinate your data collection efforts with the availability of the information you need. Trying to push people to give you data that is not ready, has not been collected or is no longer available only increases resistance.

11.  Pilot your process.

You want to make sure that you can really get the data you need. For example, if you want crime statistics from the police station for a particular neighborhood, check in to make sure that they will be available when you need them and will be available for the population you are serving.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

101 EASY Ways to Keep You and Your Horse Safe and Ready to Ride another Day

Around and About
Be mindful of sudden movements or loud noises
Pay attention to what’s going on around you and your horse
Stay calm, focused and alert

In The Barn
Hang up and put away all equipment (pitch forks, shovels, wheel barrow, etc.)
In cross ties, tie with a breakable string in case of panic
Do not leave horse unattended in cross ties
Make sure stall doors are at least four feet wide
Make sure stall doors swing out or slide
Make sure aisles and stalls are not slippery when wet
Do not ride inside the barn or any inside, non-arena, structure
Make sure lighting is suitable for barn use and at proper heights
Keep a fire extinguisher in the barn
Keep flammables out of the barn including hay and bedding if possible
Have an electrician to an audit of your barn; replace dangerous receptacles, chewed wires, etc
Keep emergency numbers where all can see them
Clearly display all rules for your barn in plain language
Lighting should have a protective cage to prevent rearing horses from being cut
Barn aisles with concrete floors can be slick if wet. Textured concrete is better.
Rubber mats on barn aisles can prevent slips and falls
Open stall doors wide before leading a horse through; install sliding doors if possible
When blanketing, fasten chest straps first, then girth straps, then hind straps to avoid blanket slipping and becoming tangled in hind legs. When removing, reverse order.
Keep feeds secure where Houdini horses can’t get to them.
Build stalls with reinforced solid sides so a horse can’t kick through a board
Check for splinters, nails, anything protruding

In Cross Ties
Be aware of the environment (loud noised, flashes, sudden movement)
Have an escape mechanism for your horse (quick release ties, breakaway halter)
Always crouch; never sit on the floor beside your horse
Stand near the shoulders or next to the hindquarters
Avoid ducking under the ties, the horse to pull back, making you vulnerable to injury

Check you trailer out first (hooked up correctly, tires properly inflated)
Always check electric brakes on trailer
Teach your horse to load by himself, never fight a reluctant horse, get professional help.
Never drive with your horse’s heads hanging out the window
Trailer with horses properly prepared for the ride – helmet, shipping boots, halter fleece
Never unload your horse until you have untied his head
Tie hay bags high enough to let horse get tangled
Always chock your tires when unhitched
If windows are down, put fly masks on to prevent eye injuries from flying debris
Once a year, give your trailer a thorough inspection, inside, outside, and underside.
Be prepared for emergencies with good spare tire and tools to change, Trailer Aid for tire change
Keep a well stocked first aid kit in your trailer for emergencies.
If at all possible, try to take care of emergencies without unloading horses on the roadway.
If horses are tied to the trailer, make sure tie has a breakable string.

Riding Apparel
Always wear a SEI/ASTM helmet when mounted
Always wear a protective vest in high risk mounted activities
Do not ride with dangling jewelry, tongue studs
Do not wear clothes with dangling cords that can get caught on something & pull you off
Wear clothes that can be easily seen if riding after dark
Wear sturdy shoes around the barn. When riding, wear shoes with hard toes and a heel.
Replace any helmet after a major fall or impact
Have children’s helmets fit yearly, use knowledgeable people well trained to fit.
Use appropriate stirrup size for your shoe size

Riding on the Trail or in the Open
Always ride to the skill of the weakest rider
On the roads, ride with traffic (NC law)
Cross together with a group; try not to leave one horse behind
Be aware of the footing on roadsides and on trails
Make others aware of holes and other terrain dangers
Check your tack carefully before mounting, make sure in good condition
Carry a cell phone when going out riding, esp on remote trails
For long rides, carry an easy boot, rope halter, sm. First aid kid
If riding alone, let someone know where you will be riding, and when you will return
Do not ride in hunting areas during hunting season. Check out hunting areas first.
When crossing streams, make sure you know the footing before proceeding across
Be aware that certain times of day and seasons will have more deer activity
Riding in tall grass has risks of surprising resting wildlife (deer, rabbits, turkeys, etc.)
When riding or passing another rider, always call out “riding through” in a clear, audible voice
When crossing a road in a group, try not to leave one horse behind-he may run across.
Let drivers know with hand gestures when to slow down or proceed.

Tie “eye high and no longer than your arm and only to a safe, solid object.
Tie a horse only with halter/lead, never by bridle reins
Learn to tie a quick release knot or use a breakaway string

In the Jumping Ring
Make sure all jumps are in good condition, no splits or splinters
Make sure jumps are at correct heights for you and your horse’s skill
Only jump in the direction indicated
Make sure that arena footing is appropriate for your activity.
In the Warm Up Arena
Be aware at all times of other horses around you
Pass left hand to left hand
Dismount and exit the arena if others are dangerous or out of control

In the Pasture
When walking out in the pasture, be aware of herd dynamics
Make sure electric fences are regularly checked and in good repair
Check you pasture for toxic plants
Check your pasture for fallen trees, holes, broken fences
Use appropriate fencing for horses. Do not use barbed wire, hog wire.
Gates should be a minimum of four feet wide.
Use latches that are horse proof, but also easy to open and close.
Fence boards and posts should be checked for protruding splinters, nails, etc.
Horses will quickly become competitive or aggressive for treats or grains taken into a pasture
Never catch your horse by cornering him in the pasture.
Approach from the side to avoid his blind spots.
To turn loose, turn his head back toward the gate, step through to avoid kicks when released
Approach a horse at an angle

At the Show Grounds
Make sure your horse is acclimated to a lot of horses, activity, noises & over stimulation
Be aware of vehicles, scooters, golf carts, other horses and unmounted spectators
Be courteous of other riders
Always have your emergency contact info on your stall door
Check show stall thoroughly for any nails, splinters, and screws let by others.

Especially for Children
Until skills are well established, children should ride only under supervision.
Get qualified instruction for children.
Teach children early good horse management and insist your rules be always followed.

And Finally….
Don’t let horses “touch noses” it can result in squealing and striking.
Use a solid, stable, wide base mounting block, not a dime store plastic step stool-easy to tip over

Teach your horse good ground manners

10 Easy Ways to GO GREEN

1.   Re-route your commute.

2.   Buy used.

3.   Buy local.

4.   Compost your food scraps.

5.   Change the thermostat setting and install energy saving devices.

6.   Skip the bottled water at the grocery or convenience store.

7.   Make your own cleaning supplies.

8.   Think twice about new electronics.

9.   Use your local library and other public amenities.

10.                    Add one meatless meal per week.

10 Easy Ways to GO GREEN

1.   Re-route your commute.

2.   Buy used.

3.   Buy local.

4.   Compost your food scraps.

5.   Change the thermostat setting and install energy saving devices.

6.   Skip the bottled water at the grocery or convenience store.

7.   Make your own cleaning supplies.

8.   Think twice about new electronics.

9.   Use your local library and other public amenities.

10.                    Add one meatless meal per week.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

10 ways to reduce stress

1. Learn to Say "No"
Set yourself realistic expectations and learn how to say "no" when your workload or social and family commitments get too much. Asking for help is not about failure, it's part of good team work.
2. Take a Break
According to the International Stress  Management Association UK "you will perform more effectively during work after even a short 10/15 minute break, easily making up the time you used for relaxing." So stop eating your lunch at your desk and use this time instead to clear your head and recharge your batteries.

3. Exercise
Physical activity is a great way to let off some steam. Exercise releases endorphins, our natural "feel good" hormones, which boost energy levels and counteract stress hormones, such as cortisol. Find a cardiovascular activity that is fun and achievable, whether it's walking, dancing, a gym workout or a lunchtime run through the park.
4. Learn to Switch Off
Leaving the office for the day? Then it's time to switch off your work brain as well as your mobile or Blackberry. Unless you need to be on call for work, there's rarely anything that can't be solved the next day with renewed perspective.
5. Breathe Deep
·         Take a deep breath into your diaphragm so that you feel your ribs expanding
·         Once you feel your breath is full, take three more little breaths and hold
·         Then, exhale fully and try to take three more small exhalations and hold
·         Repeat 3-4 times

6. Watch the Caffeine
Drinks like coffee, tea, cola and alcohol all release adrenalin into your bloodstream, which in turn actually increases stress levels. If you must drink tea, switch to green or white tea. Both are full of antioxidants, which are said to fight the oxidative damage that stress can cause within the body.
7. Be Positive
Most stressors are simply a matter of how you perceive them. Take a step back and think, is this something I really need to worry about? Simply changing your viewpoint may help you to see it from a more positive angle.
8. It's All in the Planning
Be creative about your time management. Before you leave work, make a list of "to do's". Crossing completed items off a list also helps you to feel a sense of accomplishment.
9. Get a Good Night's Sleep
Laying awake at night? One of the side-effects of stress is insomnia, which just makes us even more stressed, tired and irritable. Turn off the TV and try to have a warm (not hot) bath, read a book or listen to music before bedtime. Keeping a notebook by your bedside allows you to write down all those things that pop into your head so that they don't play on your mind while you sleep.
10. Find Your Outlet

According to author Robert M. Sapolsky of "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers", finding an outlet for your frustrations, and doing it regularly, is one of the keys to effective stress management. Whether it be social gatherings, dancing, meditation, religion or knitting, it's important to find a way to offload your energy and passion that is enjoyable and works for you.

How to Get Started as a Social Media Consultant

You’re social media savvy and looking to start something new. You are constantly encountering businesses, both large and small, that desperately need help in growing or maintaining their online presence. The need is tremendous.  The opportunities are there. You’ve thought about putting your skills towards being a social media consultant, either full time or as a way to earn a little extra money, but have no idea where to start.
Before you quit your day job, here are FOUR basic things to consider when jumping into becoming a Social Media Consultant:

Decide on a Focus

Social media consultants run the gamut from those who define strategy to those who implement it or build systems to maintain it. There are coaches, community managers, researchers, and technologists. The trick is finding what YOU have to offer and putting it out there. Is there a need your skill set and if so, where? What services would you like to provide? What sets you apart?
Last week, I counseled a college friend who recently started her own social media agency. She comes from a unique background and has access to some incredible data. I was all, “LEVERAGE it”. She was so caught up in being part of the wave that she didn’t realize that the key to success is not being like everyone else. There is a demand for smart, motivated, and innovative people in social media. You just have to know how and why you can help.

Find Potential Clients

Who do you know who could benefit from your skills? Are you part of any groups or organizations whose social media presence could use a jump start?
Your next big decision as a social media consultant is to determine who to target… and no, it is not “everyone” or “whoever needs my help”. If you try to reach everyone, you will reach no one.  Begin with one area that interests you, whether it’s fashion, travel, technology, green living, or your local market. Learn everything you can about that niche and target those types of businesses. Over time, you can branch out and leap into other areas of interest, but it’s wise to keep you focus small while you are and grow as the opportunities arise.
Let’s say you want to specialize in running social media for local children’s boutiques. Find ones in your area and talk to them about their marketing needs. Don’t try to sell them on your services right away. Instead, chat with them about what’s working and what’s not in their business. Ask them about their day-to-day pain points, long term goals, and current tactics. Be the expert in that niche!
From there, create a one-page on your services, specially addressing common marketing concerns, needs, and opportunities in that target market. Then, go back to them with your pitch.
Another way to find clients is to offer seminars or classes. Develop content and materials on social media and put them in front of people who most need your help. Seek out and offer to speak at conferences or industry events within that niche.
Networking within your own industry is awesome. It can be amazing and inspiring and comforting. It’s being with your tribe, understanding where you are coming from, and getting the punch line. But… your chances of finding your next new client in a room full of marketers, mavens, and gurus are slim to none. To find clients, look into your network and then reaching just slightly beyond. Be prepared to leave your comfort zone and take risks.  

Determine What to Charge

Pricing is tricky since it depends on many factors— type of client, scope of work, duration of project, etc. Social media consultants typically charge anywhere from $15 to $250 an hour, which is a huge range. There is a delicate art to pinpointing the exact amount that you are willing to accept and that client can afford. Charge too much and the conversation could come to a screeching halt. Charge too little and you may not be taken seriously.  The best way go about it is simply to ask the right questions and be willing to be flexible.
Consider what is being asked of you and what type of experience you bring. Hourly work or short-term projects should be charged at a fairly higher hourly rate. If a client is willing to retain you over several months, then offer a lower hourly rate in exchange for the guaranteed paycheck. Perhaps the work is something that you can do fairly quickly because you’ve done it before.  Don’t forget your knowledge is just as valuable as your effort and your time. In that case, charge a project fee instead of an hourly rate, and figure out how to grow it into a long-term role.
Expect to charge little or nothing for your first clients, not that you have to reveal this to anyone else.  Pricing is considered proprietary information and the value of every client is relative. What you are earning with your first clients is experience and the ability to point to a success story in order to attract future clients. The long term goal for your business ought to include transitioning to higher-paying clients, but in the short-term, your focus needs to be on getting off and running.  Once you have been established and have gained enough experience, you can (and should) increase your rates.

Refine Your Sales Pitch

Have you ever met a person who was so caught up in telling you all about themselves that they don’t ask a single question about you? They go on and on trying to convince you of how great they are that they don’t ever bother find out if you care.  Chances are you never want to talk to that person again… much less trust your brand with them. Don’t be that person.
The art of a great pitch isn’t about making a sale, it’s about finding a solution… and you will never know what you are trying to solve unless you are willing to listen. Listen intently to the client’s needs. Speak clearly and concisely about what you offer and the expected results. Provide best practices and measurable results. If they are interested in learning more, the conversations will naturally continue.

Most important, make sure you own online presence is targeted, on point, and highly polished. Be yourself, but also share pertinent discoveries, statistics, or articles on social media. After all, what you are truly selling as a consultant is yourself