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Wednesday, 11 September 2013

10 ways to reduce stress

1. Learn to Say "No"
Set yourself realistic expectations and learn how to say "no" when your workload or social and family commitments get too much. Asking for help is not about failure, it's part of good team work.
2. Take a Break
According to the International Stress  Management Association UK "you will perform more effectively during work after even a short 10/15 minute break, easily making up the time you used for relaxing." So stop eating your lunch at your desk and use this time instead to clear your head and recharge your batteries.

3. Exercise
Physical activity is a great way to let off some steam. Exercise releases endorphins, our natural "feel good" hormones, which boost energy levels and counteract stress hormones, such as cortisol. Find a cardiovascular activity that is fun and achievable, whether it's walking, dancing, a gym workout or a lunchtime run through the park.
4. Learn to Switch Off
Leaving the office for the day? Then it's time to switch off your work brain as well as your mobile or Blackberry. Unless you need to be on call for work, there's rarely anything that can't be solved the next day with renewed perspective.
5. Breathe Deep
·         Take a deep breath into your diaphragm so that you feel your ribs expanding
·         Once you feel your breath is full, take three more little breaths and hold
·         Then, exhale fully and try to take three more small exhalations and hold
·         Repeat 3-4 times

6. Watch the Caffeine
Drinks like coffee, tea, cola and alcohol all release adrenalin into your bloodstream, which in turn actually increases stress levels. If you must drink tea, switch to green or white tea. Both are full of antioxidants, which are said to fight the oxidative damage that stress can cause within the body.
7. Be Positive
Most stressors are simply a matter of how you perceive them. Take a step back and think, is this something I really need to worry about? Simply changing your viewpoint may help you to see it from a more positive angle.
8. It's All in the Planning
Be creative about your time management. Before you leave work, make a list of "to do's". Crossing completed items off a list also helps you to feel a sense of accomplishment.
9. Get a Good Night's Sleep
Laying awake at night? One of the side-effects of stress is insomnia, which just makes us even more stressed, tired and irritable. Turn off the TV and try to have a warm (not hot) bath, read a book or listen to music before bedtime. Keeping a notebook by your bedside allows you to write down all those things that pop into your head so that they don't play on your mind while you sleep.
10. Find Your Outlet

According to author Robert M. Sapolsky of "Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers", finding an outlet for your frustrations, and doing it regularly, is one of the keys to effective stress management. Whether it be social gatherings, dancing, meditation, religion or knitting, it's important to find a way to offload your energy and passion that is enjoyable and works for you.

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